Research, Publications and Teaching

Dr Andrew Ellis is committed to the advancement of orthopaedic surgery through evidence-based research and pioneering technologies.


He presents regularly and publishes periodically, and is a co-editor of an undergraduate textbook (in its second edition and translated into several languages).


Since Dr Ellis’ early career as Senior Lecturer in Orthopaedic at Sydney University, he has developed a great love of education and multi-disciplinary based research. He was a co-founder of the Sydney Clinical Skills Centre, which is an integral part of the Northern Clinical School and has become one of the largest and busiest skills training centres in NSW.


Aided by his appointment to RNSH and commitment to the Australian Defence Force, Andrew has made continued contributions in teaching and training including more than 40 ATLS/Early Management of Severe Trauma courses (most as Course Director), regular teaching on the Military Module of the Definitive Surgery of Trauma Course since its inception in Australia 20 years ago and the development and use of high-fidelity simulation in medical team training. He is an examiner in the Orthopaedic Court of the Royal Australian College of Surgeons.


Dr Ellis’ research is focused predominantly on hip replacements and trauma, the neuromuscular foot, and more recently COVID and its impact on orthopaedic surgery.


Systems of the Body: The Musculoskeletal System – Sambrook P, Schrieber L, Taylor T, Ellis AM (eds); Churchill Livingstone, 2001. ISBN 0-443-07015

Reprinted 2005 Systems of the Body: The Musculoskeletal System – Sambrook P, Schrieber L, Taylor T, Ellis AM (eds); Churchill Livingstone

Authorized translation into Chinese, 2003. Elsevier (Singapore) ISBN 981-4141-03-8 Systems of the Body: The Musculoskeletal System – Sambrook P, Schrieber L, Taylor T, Ellis AM (eds); Churchill Livingstone.

Authorized translation into Portuguese, 2003 Editora Guanabara Koogan S.A The Musculoskeletal System: Systems of the Body –Sambrook P, Schrieber L, Taylor T, Ellis AM Elsevier Health Sciences 2nd edition 2010, 978-0-7020-4833-3



Ellis AM. “Trauma and the Musculoskeletal System” in: Systems of the Body: The Musculoskeletal System. Sambrook P, Schrieber L et al. Churchill Livingstone, 2001. ISBN 044307015

Ellis AM. “Chapter 20.1. Lumps of Bones/Joints and Nerves” in: Integrated Basic Surgical Sciences – Toouli J, Russell C, et al. Arnold 2000. ISBN 0340700912

Ellis AM. “Chapter 22 Limp and Gait” in: Integrated Basic Surgical Sciences – Toouli J, Russell C, et al. Arnold 2000. ISBN 0340700912

Ellis AM. “Debridement and Delayed Closure Section 2 Wound Management” in: Definitive Surgical Trauma Care Course Military Module, ADF 2000.

Ellis AM. “Landmine Injuries, Section 4 War Surgery” in: Definitive Surgical Trauma Care Course Military Module, ADF 2000.



1. Ellis AM and Rylah LTA. Transfer of the Thermally Injured Patient. British Journal of Hospital Medicine 1990; 44: 206-208.

2. Smith NC, Ellis AM, McCarthy S and McNaught P. Bizarre Parosteal Osteochondromatous Proliferation: A review. Australian New Zealand Journal of Surgery 1996; 66 (10): 694-697. AN: 00000931-199610000-00010. ISSN0004-8682

3. Crawford RW, Ellis AM, Gie GA, Ling RSML. Intra-Articular Local Anaesthesia for Pain after hip arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg 1997; 79-B.(5): 796-800. AN: 00004624-199709000-00022. ISSN 0301-620X

4. Ellis AM and Taylor TKF. Intravertebral Spinal Neurenteric Cysts. A unique radiographic sign. J Paed Orthop 1997; 17(6): 766-768.
AN: 00004694-199711000-00012. ISSN 0271-6798”. Pulmonary Embolism Prevention (PEP) Trial Collaborative Group*: Prevention of pulmonary embolism and deep venous thrombosis with low dose aspirin: Pulmonary Embolism Prevention (PEP) trial. The Lancet 2000; 355 (9212): 1295-1302. *Ellis AM member of PEP Trial Collaborative Group.

5. Hendrickse AD, Ellis AM, Morris RW. Use of simulation technology in Australian Defence Force resuscitation training. J R Army Med Corps 2001; 147:173-8. UI: 11464409

6. Ellis, A., Hendrickse, A. & Morris, R. Simulation And Training For Military Resuscitation: ADF Experience Australian Military Medical Association Journal,2002.

7. Csimma C, BMP-2 Evaluation in Surgery for Tibial Trauma (BESTT) Study Group et al. Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 for Treatment of open tibial fractures: a prospective, controlled, randomized study of four hundred and fifty patients. [Clinical Trial. Journal Article. Multicenter Study. Randomized Controlled Trial. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, American volume, 2002; 84-A (12): 2123-34.Dr Ellis was a member of the study group and anchored the RNSH arm.

8. Hsu JM, Joseph T. and Ellis AM. Thoracolumbar fracture in blunt trauma patients: guidelines for diagnosis and imaging. [Review] [22 refs] [Journal Article. Review] Injury, 2003; 34(6):426-33. UI: 12767788 ISSN: 0020-1383

9. Ford LS, Ellis AM, and Allen HW. Campbell DE. Osteomyelitis and pyogenic sacroiliitis: A difficult diagnosis. [Case Reports. Journal Article] Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health, 2004; 40(5-6):317-9. UI: 15151590 ISSN: 1034-4810

10. Piper KJ, Won HY and Ellis AM. Hybrid external fixation in complex tibial plateau and plafond fractures: an Australian audit of
outcomes. [Journal Article] Injury, 2005; 36(1):178- 84. UI: 15589938 ISSN: 0020-1383

11. Cunningham JE and Ellis AM. Management of Clavicular Fractures in the Modern Soldier. Australian Military Medical Association
Journal, 2005; 4:15-20.

12. Young AA, Stanwell P, Williams A, Rohrsheim JA, Parker DA, Giuffre B and Ellis AM. Glycosaminoglycan content of knee cartilage
following posterior cruciate ligament rupture demonstrated by delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of
cartilage (dGEMRIC). A case report. Journal Article] Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery – American Volume, 2005; 87(12):2763-7. UI:

13. Walter WL, O’Toole G, Walter WK, Ellis AM and Zica B. Squeaking in Ceramic-on-Ceramic Hips: The Importance of Acetabular
Component Orientation. Journal of Arthroplasty, 2007; 22(4):A1-A20, 481-640 ISSN: 0883-5403

14. Cosman P, Hemli J, Ellis AM and Hugh T. Learning the Surgical Craft: A Review of Skills Training Options. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2007;
77(10): 838-845. UI: 17803544.

15. Ellis AM and Smith F. Management of IED Injury: A Case Reflective of Contemporary Treatment and Understanding of Resources
Required to Save Life. ADF Health Journal, 2010;11(1):24-33.

16. Howie DW, Holubowycz OT, Middleton R. Large Articulation Study Group* Large femoral heads decrease the incidence of
dislocation after total hip arthroplasty: a randomized controlled trial. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery – American Volume, 2012;
94(12):1095-102.UI: 22717828 * Dr Ellis was member of the Large Articulation Study Group.

17. Pierrepont JW, Stambouzou C, Miles B, O’Connor P, Walter L, Ellis AM, Molnar R, Baré J, Solomon M, McMahon S, Shimmin A, Li Q and
Marel. Patient Specific Component Alignment in Total Hip Arthroplasty. Reconstructive Review, 2017; 6(4) DOI: 10.15438/rr.6.4.148.

18. Bui D, Sivakumar BS and Ellis A. Collocated burn and fracture injuries in major trauma: a 10-year experience. Ann R Coll Surg
Engl. 2020;102(4):256-262. doi:10.1308/rcsann.2020.0020, 10.1308/rcsann.2020.0020

19. Koong DP, Symes M, Sefton AK, Sivakumar BS and Ellis AM. Management of lower limb fractures in patients with spinal cord injuries.
ANZ J Surg, 2020. doi: 10.1111/ans.15924.

20. Crouch G, Dhanekula ND, Byth K, et al. The Sydney AFF Score: A Simple Tool to Distinguish Females Presenting With Atypical Femur
Fractures Versus Typical Femur Fractures. J Bone Miner Res. 2021;36(5):910-920. doi:10.1002/jbmr.4255

21. Probert A, Sivakumar B, An V, Nicholls S, Shatrov J, Symes M and Ellis AM. Impact of COVID-19-related social restrictions on
orthopaedic trauma in a level 1 trauma centre in Sydney: the first wave. ANZ J Surg 2021;91(1-2):68-72. doi: 10.1111/ans.16375.

22. Dhanekula ND, Crouch G, Byth K, Lau SL, Kim A, Graham E, Ellis AM, Clifton-Bligh RJ, Girgis CM. Asian Ethnicity and Femoral Geometry
in Atypical Femur Fractures: Independent or Interdependent Risk Factors? JBMR Plus, 2022; 6(4). doi: 10.1002/jbm4.10607

23. Gill S, Graves S, Lorimer M, de Steiger R, Ackerman I, Ellis AM and Page R. COVID-19 impact on joint replacement surgery in Australia
in 2020: a nationwide perspective. ANZ J Surg, 2022;92(1-2):10-13. doi: 10.1111/ans.17343. PMID: 35212117; PMCID: PMC9111185.



1. Ellis AM, Marsden WF, Smibert JG. The Delay in Diagnosis of Pelvic Skeletal Tumours.. JBJS (Br), 1995; 4 (76-B): Supp 11 & 11, 118. AOA
Annual Scientific Meeting, Adelaide.

2. Ellis AM, Nade S and Mitchell P. Survival Rates in Ewings Sarcoma of Bone– an Australian Experience. JBJS (Br), 1996; 78-B (Supp 11 &
111): 132. AOA Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne.

3. Ellis AM, Smith N et al. Bizarre Parosteal Osteochondromatous Proliferation of Bone. A review of seven cases in NSW. JBJS (Br),
1996;78B (Supp 11 & 111): 133. AOA Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne.

4. Ellis AM, Gie GA and Ling RSML. The Importance of the Lateral Radiograph; Anterior Insertion of Stem may lead to Cement Defects
and Focal Osteolysis. JBJS (Br), 1997;79-B(2S): 171.AN: 00004624-199707001-00226. ISSN0301-620X. European Federation of National
Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Barcelona

5. Rodgers A, PEP Trial Collaborative Group. The Pulmonary Embolism Prevention (PEP) Trial: Progress report for Hip Fracture Patients.
Tenth Combined Meeting of the Orthopaedic Associations of the English Speaking World Feb 1998. JBJS (Br), 2000; 82-B: Supp II. Dr
Ellis was a member of the PEP collaborative.

6. Ellis A, Fransen M, McMahon S, Neal B, Norton r. The Prevention of Heterotopic Bone Formation: Proposal for an Australian Wide Multi
Centre Trial. JBJS (Br), 2001; 83B: Sup 111 326.AN: 00004624-200100003-00241.ISSN0301-620X. AOA Annual Scientific Meeting, Hobart.

7. Hendrickse A, Ellis AM and Morris R. Military Trauma Resuscitation: Team Training using High Fidelity Simulation. Trauma Care Third
International Conference, Edinburgh – Emergency 1,2. Summer 2001.

8. Milne B and Ellis AM. Dissociation of Cup Liners in Total Hip Arthroplasty. JBJS (Br), 2002; 84-B: Supp II Nov 2002; 84-B: 287.AN 00004624-
200200003- 00465 ISSN: 0301-620X. AOA Annual Scientific Meeting, Queenstown, NZ, 2002.

9. Vrancic S and Ellis AM. Operational management of compound fractures – To close or not to close? ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2003;
73 (Supplement 1):A77. Abstract Number MS06.AN: 00130494- 200305001-00333. ISSN1445-1433. Royal Australasian College of
Surgeons Annual Scientific Congress, Brisbane 5-9, May 2003.

10. Ellis AM, Slater, G and Milne B. Splint them where they lie: The history of the Thomas splint in war. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2003;
73(Supplement 1):A77-A78. Abstract Number MS08. AN: 00130494-200305001-00335. ISSN1445-1433. Royal Australasian College of
Surgeons Annual Scientific Congress, Brisbane, 2003.

11. Ellis AM and Vrancic S. Training in surgery in Australia: Potential impact for the ADF. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2003; 73(Supplement 1):
A78. Abstract Number MS11. AN: 00130494-200305001-00338. ISSN1445-1433. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Scientific
Congress, Brisbane, 2003.

12. Ellis AM, Hsu J and Joseph A. Thoracolumbar fracture in patients with major trauma: Guidelines for diagnosis and imaging. ANZ
Journal of Surgery, 2003; 73(Supplement 1):A83. Abstract Number NS27. AN: 00130494-200305001-00364. ISSN1445-1433. Royal
Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Scientific Congress, Brisbane, 2003.

13. Cunningham JE, Ellis AM and Rohrsheim J. Battlefield casualties across the beach head. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2003; 73(Supplement
1): A77. Abstract Number MS05. A N.00130494-200305001- 00332 ISSN1445-1433. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual
Scientific Congress, Brisbane, 2003.

14. Ellis AM and Lyon P. Surgical and other clinical skills acquisition in the USyd medical programme. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2003;
73(Supplement 1): A100. AN: 00130494-200305001-00441. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Scientific Congress,
Brisbane, 2003.

15. Vrancic S, Warren G and Ellis AM. A gastrocnemius transfer for advanced Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease: A modified Caldwell
procedure. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2003; 73(Supplement 1): A96. Abstract Number PR59P. AN: 00130494-200305001- 00424. ISSN1445-
1433. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Scientific Congress, Brisbane, 2003.

16. Vrancic S, Warren G and Ellis AM, Cole E and Redmond A. Tendon transfers for hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy (CharcotMarie-Tooth disease. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2003; 73(Supplement 1): A92. Abstract Number PR40. AN: 00130494-200305001-00406.
ISSN1445-1433. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Scientific Congress, Brisbane, 2003.

17. Ellis AM and Lyon P. Surgical and other clinical skills acquisition in the USYD medical programme. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2003;
73(Supplement 1): A100. Abstract Number SE09P. AN: 00130494- 200305001-00441. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual
Scientific Congress, Brisbane, 2003.

18. Squires B, Ellis AM, Timperley J, G Gie, R Ling, and N Wendover: The Exeter Universal Hip Replacement For Patients Who Were 50 Years
Or Younger Time Of Surgery. A Minimum 10-Year Follow-Up. 00129.ISSN: 0301-620X. JBJS (Br), Proceedings, Jul 2003; 85-B: 115.A.N.
00004624-200300002. British Orthopaedic Association Annual Scientific Meeting, 2003.

19. Young, A ; Smith, M; Smith, S M; Burkhardt, D; Appleyard, R C; Coolican, A.M; Ellis, A M; Ghosh, P; Sonnabend, D H:In Situ
Topographical Assessment Of Osteoarthritic Human Knee Articular Cartilage Using A Handheld Dynamic Indentation Probe.
Orthopaedic Research Society USA 2004, Work sponsored by AOA Research Foundation.

20. Young A and Ellis AM. Lower Limb Arthroplasty in Active Golfers. JBJS (Br), Proceedings, Sep 2005; 87-B: 367. ISSN: 0301-620X. The
Combined Orthopaedic Associations, Sydney 2004.

21. Vrancic S, Warren G, and Ellis AM. Lessons Learnt In The Surgical Treatment Of Foot Deformity In CMT: A Functional Outcome Study
Of Tendon Transfer, Compared With A National Cohort Of CMT Patients. JBJS (Br), Proceedings, Sep 2005; 87-B: 287.

22. Ellis AM and Waxman B: The ADF EMST COURSE: Regrouping and moving forward. JMVH, 2009; 17 (2): Abstract, ISSN 1835-1271.
Australian Military Medical Association Conference, 2008.

23. Ellis AM, Smith F, O’Regan W and O’Connor G. Bridging the Gap: Changes required allowing provision of contemporary techniques
in forward surgery. Lessons learnt from conflict in the MEAO. JMVH, 2009; 17(2): Abstract, ISSN 1835-1271. Australian Military Medical
Association Conference, 2008

24. Crozier, J, Rosenfeld J, Ellis AM, Chambers A, Courtenay B and Young I. Definitive Surgical Trauma Care (DSTC) Military ModuleCurrent Curse and Future Development. ANZ J Surg, 2014; 84(S1):112-113.DOI: 10.1111/ans.12618. Royal Australian College of
Surgeons Annual Scientific Meeting, 2014.

25. Suchowersky A, Ellis AM and Lin W. A Predictable Surprise: The Orthopaedic Footprint In The Hospital Response To Mass Casualty
Following Civilian Terror Attacks. ANZ J Surg, 2015; 85:1445-2197. ,81,88

26. Donald S and Ellis A.M. Thrombo-embolic Complications and Blood Loss in Primary Hip and Knee Arthroplasty before and after
Introduction of Tranexamic Acid. AOA ASM, Brisbane 2015.

27. Ellis AM, Obeid S and Hogan A. AOA Accredited Fellowships Program: 2012 Snapshot What, Where, How, Where to? AOA ASM,
Brisbane 2015

28. Ferguson N, Li A, Ellis AM. Achieving consistent acetabular orientation in hip arthroplasty via the direct anterior approach. AOA ASM,
Brisbane 2015.

29. Bui D, Sivakumar B.S. and Ellis A.M.10-year experience of major burns and trauma: A retrospective study comparing collocated and
non-collocated injuries. AOA ASM, Cairns 2016.

30. Ellis AM, Sivakumar B.S and Suchowersky A. The Orthopaedic Department in Mass casualty Incidents, a review of key learning. AOA
ASM, Adelaide 2017.

31. Ellis AM, Leibman S. Minimally Invasive Laparoscopic Techniques are possible for removal of intra-pelvic plates after the treatment
of pelvic fractures by the Anterior Intra-Pelvic approach. AOA ASM, Adelaide 2017.

32. Pierrepont J, Ellis AM, Walter L, Marel E, Bare J, Solomon M, McMahon S, and Shimmin A. Risk factors for increased sagittal pelvic
rotation in patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty. Orthopaedic Proceedings, 2018; 100-B: SUPP_5, 54

33. Koong D, Sefton A, Evans P and Ellis AM. Management of lower limb fractures in spinal cord injured patients: A single centre
retrospective review. AOA ASM, Canberra 2019.

34. Le B, Sefton A, Isaacs J and Ellis AM. A comparison of tibial shaft fractures managed with intramedullary nailing via the suprapatellar
and infrapatellar approach. AOA ASM, Canberra 2019.



1. Ellis AM, Gie GA and Ling RSML. ‘Five to Eight Years’ Results of Cemented Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Aged Fifty or Less’. Poster
presentation. European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Barcelona. And Combined
Scientific Meeting ANZ Orthopaedic Associations Annual Scientific Meeting, Perth 1996

2. Ellis AM, Lee C Lewis R, and Ling RSML. Modelled strain in the proximal femur before and after arthroplasty. Poster presentation.
European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Barcelona, Spain. (And) Combined Scientific
Meeting ANZ Orthopaedic Associations, Perth 1996.

3. Ellis AM, Hendrickse A, and Morris R. Simulation And Training For Military Resuscitation: ADF Experience Trauma 2000, Defence Health
Symposium. Sydney 2002

4. Cosman PH, Toomey K, Cahill A, Nejaim J, Ellis AM and Hugh TJ. The Characteristics of Postgraduate Course Participants at the
Northern Clinical Skills Centre, 1999-2001. The Australian Orthopaedic Association Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne, 2002

5. Slater G, Ellis AM and Milne B. The Thomas Splint in War. Australian Orthopaedic Association Annual Scientific Meeting, 2001.

6. Vrancic S, Warren G, Ellis AM and Redmond A. Lessons Learnt In The Surgical Treatment Of Foot Deformity In Charcot Marie Tooth
Disease: A Functional Outcome Study Of Tendon Transfer, Compared With A National Cohort Of CMT Patients. The Australian
Orthopaedic Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Melbourne, 2002.

7. Squires B, Ellis AM, Timperley AJ, Gie GA, Ling RSM and Wendover N. The Exeter Universal Hip Replacement for the Young. The
Australian Orthopaedic Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Melbourne 2002.

8. Won HY and Ellis AM. Corrective Femoral Osteotomy In Vitamin D Resistant Hypophosphataemic Rickets. The Australian Orthopaedic
Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Melbourne 2002.

9. Milne BW and Ellis AM. Immediate Extensor Mechanism Reconstruction For Trauma: A Case Report. The Australian Orthopaedic
Association Annual Scientific Meeting. Melbourne 2002.

10. Young A, Smith M, Smith SM, Burkhardt D, Appleyard RC, Coolican M, Ellis AM, Ghosh P, Sonnabend D H. In Situ Topographical
Assessment Of Osteoarthritic Human Knee Articular Cartilage using a Handheld Dynamic Indentation Probe. Orthopaedic Research
Society, USA 2004. Work sponsored by AOA Research Foundation.